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  • 第5回 立命館慶祥・ハーバード大学研修プログラム【研修2日目・3日目】

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第5回 立命館慶祥・ハーバード大学研修プログラム レポート一覧

【事前学習①】 【事前学習②】 【研修1日目】 【研修2日目・3日目】 【研修5日目】 【研修8日目】

第5回 立命館慶祥・ハーバード大学研修プログラム【研修2日目・3日目】

Harvard Harvard Harvard
Harvard Harvard Harvard Harvard


 Today the students had two lectures in the morning by Shane Sensei. He gave two very distinct and extremely interesting classes today. The first dealt with ageing and society, which as we know is very relative to society. Throughout his class in the beginning he dealt with what happens to us when we age, and how our DNA is affected by it. Of course,, his entire lecture had the students engaged with the topic by having them discuss and explain their thoughts on ageing and society. Then, Shane Sensei had them think about the social factors which society as to deal with as it ages such as cost and finance, technology, politics etc and their relationship to the topic. Shane is extremely knowledgeable about Japan, and Asia in general as it’s his major, so he decided to take a look at a social issue that Japan faces and had the students engage with the topic.


 In Shane’s second class today, he took a 180 degree turn from his previous topic and discussed pop culture and spirituality and their relationship to Japan and Japanese through the use of anime and manga primarily. The students first discussed about religion and spirituality and what they mean and how they’re different. Then, they applied these concepts to Japan’s two dominant religions: Buddhism and Shintoism. Typically speaking, the three dominant religions exist as completely separate entities and there’s no co-harmony amongst them such as an American would never be both a Christian and a Muslim. That just doesn't work with those two religions. However, with Buddhism and Shintoism, the co-exist within society and culture without any conflicts of interest. It was interesting to note how few students associated themselves with either or both of the religions in Japan, and once they understood this, then Shane had the students look at how various fundamental aspects of these religions, which are largely forgotten by society on the whole, are being illustrated and use by famous anime artists such as Osamu Tezuka and Hayao Miyazaki. It was fascinating to see the students know such famous scenes, but not having the background knowledge to understand the significance and their relationship to those two religions.


 Finally, students today finished off the afternoon with a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts here in Boston. Students were able to browse around for about two hours and observe exhibitions such as Claude Monet, Postwar photography, South African fashion, Ansel Adams, among many other permanent exhibitions at the museum. It was an extremely snowy day here in Boston, so spending it indoors was a wonderful way to immerse themselves in culture. At night, they had dinner with Japanese university students who attend various universities in Boston and Tokyo and chatted about many different topics, and it was quite apparent that the students had a wonderful time learning from their sempai.




 Today students had a full day of lectures. The first one was given by Kevin Sensei and he discussed Homelessness at Harvard, and the students analyzed various causes and possible solutions to it. Additionally, they looked at two different case studies of two homeless people who live at Harvard.


 The second lecture was given by Austin and he discussed Setting and Achieving Realistic Goals, which was quite timely in that the students on the Harvard trip have set their own individual themes and goals for this trip. He discussed 6 things you must do to set a realistic and achievable goal: You must be specific, realistic, positive, have a strategy, the goal must be measurable, and you need to make progress. The students grasped this very quickly and were able to apply this to making their own specific goal for their Harvard trip.


 The third lecture was given by Amanda Sensei and she discussed How to be a Woman Leader and discussed 5 different possible ways to help women become leaders. I couldn’t attend this lecture so I’m not going to discuss it much here.


 Today, rather than focusing on the three individual lectures too much, I want to focus on the changes I’ve seen in our students over these few days. Initially, when students attended the lectures they really focused hard on what the teachers were presenting, and when asked questions they would answer them, albeit simple and short. Yesterday, the students were able to answer much more complexly and with much more specific detail and opinions. However, today, throughout the three lectures, the students would say their opinions more quickly and comfortably to the questions asked, but also they would then ask questions back to the teachers getting into an even deeper conversation and exchange about the topic. I am so happy to see their ability to change and handle lectures more deeply so quickly, and now what I really hope to see, which isn’t often so common in Japan, is for the students, when they have questions, to immediately ask the teachers and stop class to discuss what’s on their mind. I think this will be the final step for the students to really become even further engaged within their lectures and with their teachers.




